
Showing posts from July, 2018

Cure Hepatitis C with VELPANATE Tablets work in all kind of Genotypes

It is used in combination with other medications like daclatasvir, peginterferon and ribavirin to treat chronic hepatitis C. Velpanat functions by reducing the hepatitis C from the body of the patient and helps in keeping the liver disorders like liver cancer and cirrhosis away. The medications might have some side effects like itchiness, headache, nausea, drowsiness, rapid breathing, heartbeat and skin paleness and much more. While these reactions might have simple effects on the body, if the it persists, seek help from your healthcareprovider . Side effects of velpanat tablets: Besides the above-mentioned symptoms, velpanat might have unwanted effects as well. Some of the common side effects are: Fatigue Headache Nausea Insomnia Anemia Key highlights of Velpanat tablet: Is the Drug safe with alcohol? It is unknown whether the drug goes with alcohol, ask your doctor if you feel something. Is velpant safe for pregnancy? Velpanat